Saturday, April 19, 2014

still searching

To all or none,

What I have found in the last few days is:

Buddhism is just another religion,
Like all religions ,a lot of beliefs are based on blind faith .
I do not beleive in blind faith . 
What makes Buddha different from any  other messiah,
Beleifs ,must for me ,proven ,not I have heard!Or it is written !
Deceived yes I am.Deceived of myself,not of Buddha.

The Universe ,unseen yet there,taking care of everything,and everyone.
Lots of things are still unknown to me.Why children die young? why why why.

For now, I will be living ,a good life,with a strict conscience ,based on The Precepts,
the Noble Eightfold path ,and wait for death.


Friday, April 18, 2014


To all or none,

Why the question mark? Simple ,since yesterday here is this gigantic question mark in my MIND,or maybe in my rationale.

This is my second crisis regarding Buddhism.Is it Mara ,playing tricks on me?Don't know.?What if?

The more I read on Buddhism the more my faith diminishes.So many contradictory stories,views ,lineages.Buddhism just in Mahayana alone has 120 lineages.

Catholicism 34.Christianity well I will not go there.Islam 3.

Buddha was from the brahman faith before,becoming BUDDHA.He ever said he had created  a new religion,men did that ,just like JESUS and Allah with Mahomet.

So ,when I came in the restaurant where I have my office(sic), ;) one of the girls that works here had 2 malas for me .She is Muslim and in her religion the malas have 100 beeds compare to 108 for Buddhism ,and said she had something else for me !
The Universe takes care of itLs own.Is this a sign ,I am not too much on signs.

So the calm sea is having killer waves right now.

keep you posted


Thursday, April 17, 2014


To all or none,

Today while reading a book on Buddhism ,what else,I discovered ,a few things.
First: Depending on who wrote the book you get a version of the whole
Buddhism mish mash.
Today what I have read ,bedazzels me.Buddhism is not a phylosophy.The author did not mention however what it was!!!!
Buddha's dharma in a lot of places ,i am totally in disaccord.I will name a few:Alms,beauty is something not to like or love i.e.attachment and impermanence.Xcuse me but a beautiful woman,a beautiful flower a cherry tree in bloom is a no-no in Buddhism.Third how many of us will attain enlightenment in this lifetime of suffering? Not too many.Fourth ,trying hard to change is some form of suffering.etc etc etc.



To all or none,

The Buddha said:that giving alms is the purest form of generosity.and has it's best results when given with no interest or payback.

So sorry ,not at all in accord with his words.Why should poor people give food to a bunch of people ,the bhikkhus ,what do they have  so special that they do not work.

I suppose it would interfere with their  path to enlightenment? is proven 
that Buddha depending what crowd in front of him were ,used different disccourses.

What % of monks do you think can truly understand the Dharma.A Sangha is like any
society,there are bright ones,some not so bright ones and truly dumb ones.

So taking a shovel ,a hammer ,there is no shame in that.I would not give alms to a Bhikkhu.By the way ,all sanghas have leities that do the chores,do you beleive that?
I am a buddhist,and I do all my chores,why should'nt they.?

To all or none,

Going through a stiff time financially.As I was having my windshield repaired,free of cost,I found myself thinking.

When you practice MINDFULNESS on a regular basis,In my MIND automatically brought me back to the NOW,the moment of no suffering.

So if you have a wandering MIND,practice the mechanism of bringing yourself to think 
in the Now.It works wonders.

May your Nows be happy ones.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014


To all or none,

What is fantastic about having our own blog,even if no one comes to visit is the FREEDOM,to write whatever you feel like writing.
Todays subject is the UNIVERSE.

The Universe represents to me a form of godhood.Loong there is no God in Buddhism .!
many years ago I beleived in an Eternal GOD almighty .

In Buddhism ,a creator GOD does not exist.It is because of impermanence.The Universe is impermanent,one day will be destroyed,like everything ,and things will start all over again with a new BEGINNING until it ends eons after it,s creation ,by some kind of another BIG BANG.The Universe is my higher power,especially that the Universe contains everything good and bad. 

If I want something good to happen to me,all I have to do is open a channel,a channel of
total confidence in it.It has been like this for many many years.

That is why I beleive the the Mahayanas,gave Buddha all those powers especially Buddha-nature,which is very close to what is given to Gods in various religions.

So my friend,find your path,I have found mine for NOW,and it goes through the 8fold path accompanied by Iniverse.


Monday, April 14, 2014


To all or none,

Through the centuries,millions of men,women children died in so many wars ,so many genocides,so namy Conquerors,so many tortures ,it is surprising that there still exists 7 billion human beings on this blue planet.

The karma of these eons of killings and tortures ,is still amongts us.
These karmas the bad ones were sent to the two hells ,for how long ,no one knows.One day after eons they resurface to this realm .The realm of Samsara. Since nothing is permanent these devils and spirits do come back.Some will inherit these karmas that have been purified enough to re-enter the world of Life and Death,Samsara;The world of birth ,aging and dying again until Enlightenment has been attained.It may take thousands of lives to finally attain Nibbana,All these people will suffer Dukkha, of all sorts ,until ,one day one human has rid him/herself of all attachments,cravings and fetters,and ,dies and becomes a non-returner.

So many killings ,so many sufferings.That is what being human is...


No teacher

To all or none,

I have been told so many times that one has to have a TEACHER.

Buddha ,the almighthy states that he never had a teacher,even when he was known as Siddhartha Gautama, name he was known by ,before becoming Enlightened.

I shall keep on having no teacher ,except the books I read ,the words in those books ,that suit my intelligence,my faith.

may you find YOUR PATH.


To all or none,

I am reading presently a book by AJAHN SUCITTO,the title is:TURNING THE WHEEL OF TRUTH
That title expresses what Buddha did in his first Sutta.Turning the wheel of the truth,his truth mind you.This happened in Deer park.
Back to karma, karma can only happen when someone willfully and intentionnally,does,thinks thinks of doing something in wether a negative way a neutral way or positive way,the karma shall be according to the nature of such thought.There is instant karma ,long time karma,personal karma and global karma.

Bad karma can be erased by ,doing good deeds ,living the Eighfold path.

not a good post

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What is my search?

To all or none,

What is my search? Why am I ,reading ,finding meanings to pali or sanskrit words,
why am I reading suttas that I cannot even pronounce the word?
I am a late bloomer in Buddhism.
Back to the search.That search has up to now,changed me into a better person.
Knowledgeable not too bad on buddhism,et this is not my search.

Two lineages one is Galupca if I remember right ,part of the Vajrayana lineage and one of the Pure land lineages that promise Enlightenment within this life.
All my life,I was a mentally sick child.Always or almost first in class ,always called a know-it-all.Guess my karma was not all bad ,because intelligence and knowledge had come with the sufferings.

In this instant,in this NOW,I am restful,pure in my thoughts, pure in my actions,just Pure.Going from a person that could not stand still,because of anxiety and panics,here I sit,writing in a slow way ,undisterbed by the ambiant noise.I have reached more than I was searching for,much more.

Wether or not ,I  reach Enlightenment or not, I do no not give a rat's ass about it.All that I am NOW,and all the other NOWS,may they be as simple as this ONE.


Learning to be civilized

To all or none,

Since ,I started ,to live in Solitude,I have had problem with people that speak loudly in restaurants.I go to restaurants to see people,NOT HEAR THEM.I know that is weird,but those who know me ,know that I am weird.Weird in sense different.Aren't we all?

I use a tablette for when I go out of my cave.First it was Mac Donalds because the coffee was not expensive ,and like a lot of buddhist,money is not my first priority.The noise became unbearable and the wi-fi was always on the brink.So I moved where the coffee is twice the price at least ,of what I was paying at Mac Donald's.The coffee shop is called 
Van Houtte.
Now this place is so "in",that whole families come here with the kids and all.
I just lifted my head for a check-see.1 table free.At the beginning most tables were used by students with their expensive laptops,older people like me,now ,It has becomed 
another Mac Donald's with people ,yelling,kids ,well they are kids!
I have to find a new place that will be quieter,to really be able to concentrate,for those who do not know I suffer from 2 brain dammages and my cognitive part is very sensible to disturbances from the outside.As I am typing,I am wearing ,construction earplugs.
Told you I was weird.

Loong sharing ,this is why I started my own blog.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Stream

To all mostly none,

This is a poem I wrote in 2008.

close to my abode
a stream flows,
not caring about branches
but running it's own path

Birds take their morning bath
after the cat has drunk
leaves float,branches stuck
vibrate,by the flow of the
non knowing stream.

Little trouts play in the pools
made by nature over the years
watching for flies to go by
life goes on,and changes
every little instant,the
stream never knowing.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Buddha's first discourse at Deer Park

To all or none,

Just read on a  site the first  discouse of Buddha.Wow!It is titled
Dhammacakkappaattana sutta.

What I have learned in this sutta is mind bogling.It speaks of The Middle Path,The four Noble Truths,Dukkha,The Noble eightfold path .The writing ofthe text was from the site

i know that none will read this but i will have shared it with all spiritual beings in this realm and other Realm.

Buddha mentions that he is a non-returner saying and now there is no existense again.

The Mahayanas sure would have a different version of this Sutta.

son of the Oneness.

Aucun visiteur.

A tous et surtout a personne,

Aucun visiteur,c' est bien ainsi .C'est ce que l'Univers a choisi pour moi.Je suis fier de moi,a presque 68 ans avec connaissances assez limitees en programmation d'ordi, j'ai
reussis a creer mon propre blog.
Mes ecrits sont de la pure energie,ainsi aussi est fait l'Univers .Donc quelqu'un en quelque part a entendu mes ecrits .


No visitors,

To all or none

Subject title is no visitors,

One thing that satisfies me is the fact that I was able to start my own blog at almost 68 years old, and I know that through my MIND someone somewhere is this Universe understands what I write,maybe in an another realm.
The words that I write are pure energy and that is what the whole Universe is made of.

part of the Oneness.
p.s. I know people have their own Universe to take care of.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


To all or none,

Karma ,is in Buddhism maybe one of the 5 most important phenomenom.

When I was born I inherited a very bad karma.Tons of sufferings mentally and

physically.You might think ,I am crazy,but I am glad ,of having been given or

attributed that karma.By the way,in Buddhism ,the attribution or mechanism of what

or whom attributes the karmas is very rarely discussed.

Going back to being glad about that karma,it helped me discover Buddhism

and it's easy way of changing to become a much a better person.I know,that

karma follows you like your shadow.So if you are new at this ,watch what

you think,say and do ,because for each of those phenomenoms there is

that price attached.Wether one beleives or not in karma it is part of who you

are and will become.You receive your karma when the ambrio starts having aMind

of it's own.

this blog was not something extremely revealing ,however it was a start.



A tous,

Hier et ce matin ,j'ai ete suspendu sur le site Bellaonline.Etant un bouddhiste qui s'en tient aux preceptes,je ne parlerai pas en mal de celle qui est en charge sauf que depuis 2 mois elle me cherchait des poux.Tous les sujets qu'elle partait ,n'etaient pas visites.Lorsqur ,je suis arrive sur ce site la section bouddhisme avait 2000 clics.
En dedans de plus d'un an les clics sont passes a 200,000 a mon dernier decompte.

Jalousie d'une femme bouddhist depuis plus de 30 ans,je ne pouvais le croire.
Chaque memo qu'elle m'envoyait ,je les montrais a une confidenteMa confidente disait toujours la meme chose ,elle est jalouse de toi.Comment peut -on etre jaloux en bouddhisme?
Ma genre de suspension est de 2 semaines.Comme je crois que  l'
Univers veut mon bien ,je l'ai assez bien prise.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bienvenue aux francophones

A tous et chacun,Bienvenue dans mon monde a moi.Mon monde ,d'ou je
 donne mon opinion sur le Bouddhisme en général.
 Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler de Jackie Chan ,tous ou a peu près tous ont vu ,l'un de ses films ,ou la nouvelle generation de films chinois ou les protogonistes volent de toit en toit.Le défaut de ce genre de films c'est qu'il est enfantin ,releve du fantastique.

Comparons le Bouddhisme a ces exemples.La mère de Bouddha a été inséminée par un élé
phant blanc a 7 cornes.Bouddha naquit avec sa mère
debout,il avait selon l'enseignement ,plutôt la légende la grosseur d'un enfant de sept ans ,et il marcha 7 pas a sa naissance.De plus il monta au ciel pour enseigner son Dharma a sa mè
re décédée apres sa naissance ainsi qu'aux dieux et divas ,après il serait redescendu sur terre pour enseigner son Dharma aux hommes.

Tasses-toi Jackie Chan .Siddhartha Gautama ,le Bouddha ainsi que Jésus de Nazareth ont été victime de la folie des hommes.

Lorsque quelqu'un Prend Refuge en Bouddha ,c'est comme s'il s'associait a une figure Divine .Bouddha était un homme extraordinaire ,tout comme Jésus , d'ailleurs.Il medita 7 ans sous un arbre appele Bodhi pour enfin découvrir la voie du centre .Ce n,était pas de l'inspiration divine mais bien le résultat de sa méditation.
Les Mahayanas et les Vajrayanas en ont fait presque un DIEU,allant a
l'encontre de l'enseignement du Grand Maitre Buddha ,qui affirma qu'il n'existait pas de Dieux créateurs ,ni ames.

Qu,est-ce que j'en conclus! Suivre l'enseignement du Maitre soit les Quatres Nobles Vérités ainsi que le Noble Chemin Octuple ,si je veux parvenir au


To all or none,

Everybody has seen a movie with Jackie Chan in it.
Funny ,unbeleivable moves almost childish ,or the new chinese movies with people flying on rooftops.

This morning I compare Buddhism to something simular to that.
Imagine,Buddha dies ,he goes to heaven to teach the gods and devas,
then comes back on earth to teach the dharma to the humans and some lineages will include sentient being and rocks.
When his  mother is engrossed by a7 horned white elephant,He comes to the world while her mother is standing up .He is born at an age and size of a child about 7 years old and takes 7 steps.That is just his birth.Move over Jackie Chan ,you have been outdone.

Abother point,when one Takes Refuge in Buddha is very simular to a christian taking refuge in God.Buddha died as a man 2400 years ago or about.
Mahayana and Vajrayana almost make a God like figure of him.Buddha was a man,just like Jesus of Nazareth ,that found through meditation the path to Enlightenment/Nibbana.I will stick to that ,and not fall in fables
cartoons and chinese comedy.

Some of you may find this harsh ,that is my view on buddhism in general.

part of the Oneness

Monday, April 7, 2014

To all or none,

For the readers that do not know me very well,I am an old man with 2 sicknesses/

desease of the brain .forgot most of my past,and have cognitive problems also.

Bummer,so you will read often references to books ,remembering for me is quite a

feat in itself :).Just wanted you to know.

loongpart of the Oneness. if you have any questions there has to be a place for comments or something,hey I'm neew here
To all or none,

Funny how spiritual paths are different from one another.

Met a friend today,he is back from a 2 month stinth in India.

This person is a razzle dazzle of sorts of spirituality.In this visit

he discovered  " I AM " which I beleive that any person walking the path evebtually

comes to.I discovered that in 1978,after one year of walking my path.

"I AM " is true and untrue.,specially in buddhism .To me "I AM '"is dicovering that one

exists in this plane.With Buddhism ,we also discover that there is no "I AM"

non-self.I am sure that expression will help hi make a good way on his path.

a bit ignorant.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


To all or none,

Today read that Mindfulness was the capacity of seeing phenomenoms

as they really are.Funny ,I always thought that Equanimity was  the

one with that capacity.To me Mindfulness is the capacity to live in the



To all or none,

Thinking one knows and knowing ,is like,bying groceries and have already eaten.

Today while reading a book Called : TURNING THE WHEEL by Ajahn Sucitto

Shambala  Publications.I have finally found an easy way to understand

THE MIDDLE WAY. Like a rooster with it's head cut off ,reading everything

in sight ,I admit with no shame however ,not knowing the exact simple definition of

that expression.Here is what the author wrote"

"and what is this middle way that a Tathagata has awakened to,that conduces to

seeing,insight,peace,deep knowledge,gnosis,and nibbana?

It' the noble eightfold path,that is right view,right intention ,right speech,

right livelihood,right effort,right mindfulness,and right concentration.

This is the Middle Way that a Taghatata has awakened to.

SO,So Simple,right under my nose all the time.As you can see I am not agreat

buddhist.Know a lot of stuff,except the easy ones.

I thank Buddha Gautama ,for his work in helping change this world until it


frankly finding himself 'ignorant' as Buddha would say.
April 6th 2014

To all or maybe none.

As my first sharing ,I would like to welcome you the reader,on

a different way of seeing Buddhism.

I am part of no lineage ,been at it for about 20 years ,but really

bloomed on a site called  Bellaonline.comIf Lisa Shea the owner of the site

had not let me in(been banned) would not know what I know now.Another

very important person ,is Lisa Erickson my Teacher for a while.

This is just a ,avant propos ,before we really go at it.

part of the Oneness of the Universe

Many thanks go to BUDDHA GAUTAMA  for comimg up with a
simple receipy to happiness,bliss compassion and all

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Finding one own blog on this Google blogger is quite afeet in itself
